The function of NR-05 through CIPA is to promote awareness among employers and employees so that workplace safety standards such as personal protective equipment and other protective measures that protect the employee are adopted and obeyed. internally, greater protection of the employee's long-term physical capacities as well as the company's valuable human resources, being therefore important for both involved in the labor issue, its greatest objective however is to stay ahead of the possibilities by identifying possible sensitive points in production processes before they become a cause of damage to an employee, then when that is not possible and an accident happens or somehow an employee is harmed by an unexpected situation then it is up to CIPA to study what happened and develop measures to prevent it from happening again. Brazil has adopted the CIPA system created Using the parameters of NR-05 in 1944 by a decision of President Getúlio Vargas, being made official as law NR-05 was probably the most important act of labor defense in the history of the country, changing forever the treatment of employees in the production classes and creating a better quality of life. How many people make up the CIPA of a company? The number will vary a lot between different companies so there is no exact rule for defining the size, the law however stipulates certain parameters to be taken into account when discovering the size of the commission these factors are three: 1.The company's activities: different types of activities will require more or less people engaged in CIPA so that the first step in determining your ideal total is to look for the activity code for the company in table III of NR-05, this table contains a list of all legalized labor activities in the country so just find the activity that is the correct one for the specific company.2.Sector group: each activity can be divided into sectors, once the company's activity has been confirmed, the interested party must check in Table II to have the confirmation and which sector fits the company.3. Group: finally, in Table I, you can see the framework to which the company belongs and the minimum requirements for personnel involved in CIPA. It is worth noting that the minimum requirement is a legal obligation but companies are encouraged to have a number above the minimum number of people involved in this work. Doubts? Leave us a message!