We offer consulting in fleet management of buses, trucks, light vehicles or machines. Fleet Management is a comprehensive work that affects all departments of the company. Imagine deliveries that don't occur efficiently and on time. In fact, this compromises the commercial team, marketing, financial statements and all other sectors. Globo Soluções works with business consultancy for companies in the transport and logistics sector. We can make your fleet's operation more efficient through the following possible tools, always looking for an ideal approach to better remedy your deficits. Strategic studies: ✔ Fleet replacement point study; ✔ Development of the maintenance plan; ✔ ISO 9001 / SASSMAQ certification; ✔ Selection and mentoring of managers; ✔ Establishment of management by results and goals; ✔ Development of the activities schedule; ✔ Arena simulation / logistics simulation; ✔ Studies including model work, chassis, etc .; ✔ Logistic-operational study. Tactical studies: ✔ Roadshow maps; ✔ Inventory of the fleet's reliability and availability; ✔ MKBF study (thousand kilometers between failures); ✔ MTTR study (average time out of combat); ✔ Study of the fault tree and its causes; ✔ Evaluation of parts management, and components where applicable; ✔ Monthly review meeting; ✔ Critical meetings. Statistics and treatment of non-conformities: ✔ Evaluation of operational performance; ✔ Study of fleet costs: - Fuel; - Tires; - Lubricants; - Parts and services; - Purchasing policy development. Operational Studies: ✔ Establishment of priorities and topics to be addressed; ✔ Establishment of operational indicators; ✔ Driver courses: MOP, attendance, etc .; ✔ Remove doubts Whatsapp; ✔ Evaluation of the use of maintenance management software; ✔ Review of maintenance processes based on the expected earnings of the project; ✔ Reassessment of quality control processes; ✔ Analysis of control statistics to ensure quality improvement; ✔ Training and lectures needed to mobilize people; ✔ Discussion of improvements to be implemented between operators and supervision; ✔ Monitor and keep the best practices registered (standardization of activities); ✔ Advancing actions; ✔ Daily follow-up (collection) of the combined actions; ✔ Training and lectures for the work plan teams, as well as the group's needs; ✔ Evaluation of the operational impact of drivers in the maintenance of equipment. Driver training: ✔ Economic vehicle management; ✔ Defensive driving; ✔ Driving vehicles under telemetry and tracking assistance; ✔ Analysis of accidents; ✔ Preparation of a general driver training plan; ✔ Fuel consumption control; ✔ Implementation of a fleet performance management plan; ✔ Driver award program.