The chemical industries use large-scale logistics services to transport raw materials, intermediates and industrialized chemicals. Due to several accidents, due to lack of transport security, chemical contracting companies needed to ensure that logistics companies were better prepared in their operations, to be conducted safely, with quality and with due care in relation to safety. employees, the public and the environment. Some years ago the guarantee of the contracting companies was verified through periodic audits, increasing the cost, in some cases the audit was inefficient, for the industries and also for logistics companies. The SASSMAQ course - Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Evaluation System (SASSMAQ manual - ABIQUIM, 2005) - is aimed at all professionals who work with logistics systems and want to know the structure of SASSMAQ and the content of evaluations related to the transportation of chemical products, for implantation and / or certification of the system. Doubts? Leave us a message!