The NR-13 Professional Improvement Course, Safety Training in Boiler Operation, aims to provide knowledge to enable the development of skills to be worked by the employer in professional safety practice in boiler operation, as per NR 13 in force. Objective: To approach contents and practices related to the operation of boilers and vessels under pressure, with emphasis on the prevention of accidents and illnesses resulting from work, in order to make the operation of this equipment compatible with the preservation of life and the promotion of workers' health. Target Audience: Anyone, of both sexes, aged 18 or over, who has completed elementary school and intends to qualify to operate boilers. Normative Reference: The main normative reference for this training is NR 13 (Boilers and Pressure Vessels), from the Ministry of Labor and Employment. Validity: Undetermined, however NR 13 provides for “permanent recycling through constant information on the physical and operational conditions of the equipment, technical updates, safety information, participation in courses, lectures and relevant events”. Globo Soluções establishes a validity period of 12 months. Recycling: According to NR 13, recycling must be “permanent, by means of constant information on the physical and operational conditions of the equipment, technical updates, safety information, participation in courses, lectures and relevant events". Globo Soluções recommends annual recycling. Leave us a message!